Sunday, September 18, 2005

Autumn is coming

Today was a gorgeous day, lovely blue skies and warm - 22oC. We decided to take the gazebo down and clean it ready to put away for the winter. We emptied the pool - no mean feat I can tell you. We had a laugh doing it though, good job it was a warm day. I took some photos of Andrew in his wellies and shorts!! LOL There was water everywhere. We haven't got a long enough tube to get from the pool to the drain so we improvised - we took both downspouts off the wendyhouse and put them together. Put the tube we had, from the pool, into one of the downspouts and put it through a gap Andrew made in the fence and let all the water run onto the grass. It looked like a game of mousetrap by the time we finished. *Note to self* ... buy 60 feet of tube for next year!! The ground sheet we used underneath stank like Bembridge Harbour when the tides out LOL.

Next year, after filing the gaps in the path with cement, we are going to try using polystyrine on a roll and make a 10 foot square with it, as insulation. Then get a 10 foot piece of plastic to put on the top. Then hopefully there will be no lumps and bumps and at the end of summer we can scrup the plastic and get rid of everything else. Hopefully we will be able to buy a heater for it too.

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