Friday, September 23, 2005

Childhood Memories

Watching the ‘Two Ronnies’ with the ‘Sissons’ on a Saturday night.
Buying sweets on a Saturday morning at Ron Wrags paper shop.
Rainbow Crystals & American Cream Soda
Fooling around with Jon and breaking the caravan window
Going to the Isle of Man with Boys Brigade
Making the orange juice at Anchor Boys with Caroline Youd
Listening to Mr Smith reading ‘Braer Rabbit’ stories in first year at
Warmbrook junior school
Playing up the fields with Jon, Andrew & Dave
Jumping off the shed roof
Playing with grandma’s button box
Learning to read music and playing the piano with Mrs Hall next door
Blackpool Illuminations
Auntie Mabel & Uncle Franks cuckoo clock
Singing ‘In an English Country Garden’ at the infant school
Dressing up as the pied piper in Chapel Carnival
Homemade cookies at Nicky’s grandma’s house in Whaley Bridge
The turkeys we kept in the greenhouse
Cutting the fat off the meat ready for mincing whilst Mum and Dad cut up the joints
Poncho the rabbit
Nanny and uncle peter visiting and eating my first chocolate egg.
Reading Jackie & ?look in?
Getting in bed with Jon on a Saturday morning to watch multi coloured swap shop
Getting in dad’s side of the bed on Sunday mornings and listening to ??????? and Arnold the dog Our Song with Dave Lee Travis
Camping at Hulme End
Going to the hospital in a police car & having stitches in my eye after I had got in the way of Jon throwing a stone into the sea in Kent.
Park Road Flour Graders
Hating Dad being on the 2 till 10 shift
Having my birthday party at the Ferodo dinner dance
Fire Brigade siren
Going to the phone box at the end of the road to ring nanny
The gorgeous smell of fresh bread in Frank Redferns shop
Swimming club at Buxton Baths
Church discos
Pink Panther talking to us in church
Playing cowboys and Indians in the bath with Jon
Big Ted & Bobs and my dancing doll

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