Monday, December 11, 2006

Day 2 ~ Weather

Let it Snow!!
The journalling reads ...
When I was a child it always seemed to snow a lot in the winter, I’m not sure if it was actually Christmas but it definitely snowed a lot. We would run outside and roll snowballs around the garden until they were big enough to make a snowman’s body and head. We would take our sledges up the fields at the end of the road and climb to the top and sledge all the way down. There would be loads of people doing the same thing. I never remember being cold, perhaps because we always had so much fun. I loved the snow as a child but I think as an adult it was more of a nuisance. We would have to walk everywhere as the roads were blocked so no cars could get out. Mum would have to put newspaper on the floor in the kitchen by the back door so we could gather up the snow that would fall in and then throw it back out before it melted. Perhaps snow is meant for children.

1 comment:

scrapdolly said...

Love this page - it is fab