Wednesday, January 10, 2007

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think back to being 18?

Getting engaged to Andrew :O) He didn't get down and propose on one knee or anything like that. We just knew we wanted to get married and it seemed a good idea to get engaged on my 18th birthday. We went to the 'Copper Kettle' restaurant in Disley and although I had chosen my ring he put it on my finger in the restaurant and told me he wanted to marry me. My Mum's reaction was a bit odd (nothing new there then). I had chosen a sapphire surrounded by diamonds, similar to Princess Di's but a LOT smaller & a LOT cheaper lol. I think my Mum said (it's hard to remember her exact words as it was 25 years ago - gulp), oh I thought a 'proper' engagement ring was a 'solitaire' ring like mine. I have to say I do love my Mum but we are completely different people, she has no idea what makes me tick & unfortunately I have no idea what makes her tick either. We have tried to get on but just end up falling out so we keep each other at a distance which seems to work OK.

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