Monday, July 09, 2007

A Bright Mastermind Hey???!!!

IQ Test Score

Just found this on Suzyb's blog :O)
My score isn't as high as her's
~ my excuse ~
it's way past my bed time LOL!
Not sure if this is cheating ??? I did it again this morning and got a score of 137! Is it cheating to do it twice??? Oh well, I'm sticking with Regional Genius cos I like the sound of that ~ ROFL :O)


Lima said...

hehehe, did this one too. I also got bright mastermind - woohoo, I may just be a bit clever, lol! ;-)

Vanda said...

Ok, Ok, no need to rub it in ~ ROFL :O)

Tammy said...

Woohoo... aren't you smart then????