Monday, July 09, 2007

I'm Red Cross about this Weather :O)

Will someone please tell the weather 'IT'S JULY' for heavens sake. It's absolutely tipping it down with rain again. We should be eating alfresco and coming home from work and cooling off in the pool, not getting soaked to the skin when we dare to venture outside!!! Well, what can I tell you? Nothing exciting :O) Elena's gone to school, Gemma & Liam have gone to work, Lisa's gone job hunting and poor Andrew's STILL in bed. He's in constant pain and there's nothing I can do. He can't bare to move his leg let alone stand on it. I've phoned the doctors for some advice and they said the 2 antibiotics he's on are strong ones & he isn't poorly in himself so just to carry on. I suggested crutches so he could be mobile again (like going to the bathroom) and he said it was a good idea. They're sending a fax through to the Red Cross and hopefully I can go & pick some up later today. I must admit I'm feeling very grateful that we have such services at the end of a phone. I couldn't imagine what it must be like if we lived in a country where we couldn't just go to A&E when we needed too or there were no antibiotics available or we couldn't borrow crutches or get advice from a doctor. We moan about the 'state of the country' but it's not a bad little place in the world to live :O)
What have I been doing? Nothing much, the usual housework ... boring! Giving Andrew plenty of TLC, blogging, taking photos, going to work, just a usual Monday :O) The sun came out ~ yay!!!


Vicky said...

"I'm Red Cross about this Weather"
Very good play on words Vanda. :)
Sorry to hear that Andrew still isn't up to par. Just make sure and watch his leg to make sure that there are no new signs of infection. Can you send a little of your rain over this way? We sure need some. :)

Angela said...

Your photos are just getting better and better, these new ones are fab:-)

Sorry about Andrew's leg, it sounds really painful. I really hope he gets better soon.

You were so right about the motorway driving, it was a breeze, although my fingers were frozen to the wheel in terror at the beginning, lol! A great drive down, 3 hours 15 mins but 4 hours 40 home, typical friday night traffic.

I LOVE your new layouts and I just about fell over laughing at the puss in boots thing, pee on me if you dare, so so funny.

Tammy said...

As usual I just love your photos, but I have to tell you I'm eagerly trying to get through them all to find out what is wrong with Andrew, I keep thinking I will eventually get to it... but I have missed so much being away for a few days... aye aye aye... I can't do that again because I miss too much...