Friday, July 13, 2007

My Baby Girl is Pooped :O)

Awww, Elena came home from school all hot & tired this afternoon. She's had such a busy couple of weeks it's really showing now. Yesterday was sports day at school and today they've walked to the Swimming Pool in Sandown and had some basic Life Saving training. She came straight in and flopped onto the settee and did the biggest yawn ever :O) I got the biggest smile when she knew I was taking photos, isn't she just gorgeous :O) Yesterday it was all cloudy, grey & dull and today we're back to blue skies and sunshine. Just wanted to show you the Victoria Plums. Can't wait till these ripen, they're so sweet and juicy. My big girls have gone with Liam to watch Die Hard 4 at the cinema tonight. Andrew's managed to walk today without crutches but not very far. He can put a bit of weight on his foot now which is definately a step in the right direction hehe!


Anonymous said...

oooh don't set me off yawning rofl... honestly fab photos and you can tell how proud you are of your family(rightly so too).
Hope you are gonna share those plums when they ripen...
My address is...... pmsl only kidding.. well I think I am!!

Tammy said...

Awww she really is gorgeous Vanda... By the way I was busy looking at a map of England today and you will have to tell me again which little Island you live off of, as I found a couple of them... Oh and Die Hard 4?? That's funny because Nicky and I were just arguing about whether or not it would be worth seeing... He said it was going to be awesome and I said it would be just shooting and car chases!! He said that's what all movies should have!! BOYS!! So you will have to tell us what they say about the movie!!
Love your fruit pics too... must share them when they are ripe!!

Lima said...

Great piccies of Elena, I just love those 'unaware' ones. Not long now 'til the summer vacation for you guys so she will be able to get plenty of rest and make up her sleep. :-)