Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Willy let me Cook a Syrup Sponge?

Last night I had to work until 8pm so Gemma was in charge of cooking tea again. They’d decided they fancied a beef risotto and as I walked through the door Gemma was looking a little perplexed. “I don’t think there’s going to be enough for all of us” she said. I told her not to worry and to share it out equally, I’d think of something. It was gorgeous, just a shame there wasn’t that much so I suggested pudding. What about a steamed syrup sponge & custard? Everybody screwed their face up apart from Liam. He was oblivious to my previous disasters. Last time I made a steamed chocolate sponge I ended up letting the water in the pan evaporate with devastating consequences. The Pyrex dish cracked and the sponge burned, well you can imagine the smell ~ lol! It’s not that I can’t cook it’s more that I haven’t got the patience to stand there and wait for stuff. I think I’ve got time to do other things and then I get carried away and forget about the food :O) Do you remember the sitcom Butterflies? Well me & Ria have a lot in common ~ ROFL. Andrew took over the chefs’ job years ago and because he’s on crutches this week it’s been left to us, so steamed syrup sponge it was. I weighed the eggs, put the same amount of flour, sugar & marge in a bowl and whisked it up until it was light & fluffy :O) Lisa poured some syrup into a bowl and checked with Andrew if there was enough. Apparently we were using the wrong bowl {rolleyes} so we transferred the syrup into a plastic one with a lid (the ones you can buy ready made sponges in). Poured the sponge mixture on top, put the lid on and let it float in the pan of water which was simmering away on the gas cooker. After 10 minutes or so, I checked to make sure it was OK, I didn’t want any more disasters and as I lifted up the lid I creased up laughing. Some of the sponge had forced it's way through the little holes in the lid and, well, I'll let you decide what shape it's made ~ ROFLMAO. I'm pleased to tell you, it was delicious, not a crumb was left by anyone and there were NO lumps in the custard either Lisa! (There really wasn't but she was trying her best to find one ~ lol)
Lisa had her last official singing lesson with Linda last night who gave her one of the photos taken a week last Sunday when she was singing her solo :O) Took Elena to school this morning and I spotted this little dandelion growing up against the fence ... Been in the garden again checking for bugs. The poor nasturtium's seem to be infested with black fly but I have help from a ladybird, not sure how many he can eat though? Awww, Elena came home today telling me they've had a blockbuster quiz at school today. Not knowing what one was I asked how she did and she came 2nd in the whole class!! Probbing a bit further I learnt that they had to answer 10 random questions eg. Which King had 6 wives? What word beginning with 'G' is the name of an iceberg & a mint? Who was the King of the apes in Jungle Book etc. :O) So there you go, my daughter is a genius when it comes to Blockbuster quizzes :O)
Do you know what :O) It hasn't rained today at all! Do you think summer is on it's way? We can live in hope hey :O)


Claire aka Feline said...

What a wonderful shape your steam pudding made lol..some great pictures Vanda, I like the little dandelion, hard to believe its a weed.

Hope you don't mind, but I am tagging you, pop along to my blog and see what's happening, just a bit of fun really :)

Lima said...

Well done on the cooking, the pudding photo made me laugh out loud much to the amusement of the boys, lol!

Love your other photos too, great blue sky, hope you're right about summer. :-)

Tammy said...

I have to admit that most of the stuff you talked about for your dessert was like a foreign language to me... But I'm sorry I wasn't invited over for tea :) Your pictures are gorgeous... and your daughter... too bad that this thing doesn't have sound!! I want to hear her sing!