Tuesday, August 28, 2007

2p Or Not 2p, That Is The Question :O)

Got home from work last night and the sky was such an amazing colour :O)Guess what I did at work this morning :O) I took £420 worth of 2ps to the bank!! They were heavy I can tell you. We have an arcade at work and one of the machines is one of the old fashioned 2p pushers where the little shelves move backwards and forwards pushing 2ps off the end. We spend hours counting the damn things and bagging them up into £1 bags ~ joy to the world :O)

Apart from that, all we've done today is chill out. We were going to go over to Puckpool to play tennis but the muscles in our legs wouldn't let us after the hike yesterday ~ lol!

I did check my bank statement this afternoon to see if SKY had paid the money back into my account which they took out & promised to pay back on 25 August. Surprise, surprise they hadn't! Couldn't face another argument with them so phoned CAB instead. They suggested I wrote to the Managing Director to complain and ask for compensation!

Took Lisa for a 15 minute singing lesson tonight as practice for her grade 5 exam next Saturday.

Elena's been doing a bit more to her weather station too tonight. She's got to the messy glue bit ~ great fun!

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