I finished work at 1pm today so it made a lovely change to spend the rest of the day with Andrew. We've folded the pool up and put it away. The gazebo is all packed away in bags too and we've moved the trampoline down to the bottom of the garden :O) The garden looks huge again now. In between all that Andrew's been cooking ... soup!! By the bucket full. We've got chicken soup with vegetables, tomato soup, french onion soup & vegetable soup. We've got another bucket full of beef curry ~ yum. Two jars of homemade lemon curd & a cherry & coconut cake. I adore this man, what would I do without him :O) Mind you, it's been my job to try and fit all this stuff in the freezer, no easy task I can tell you. Gemma's been at work all day & Lisa & Liam have been on the beach. My best friend Teresa phoned tonight, talking to her is like a breathe of fresh air. Little Max, my Godson has masses of curly hair now, even more than Mika! He is such a comedian. Teresa tells him to show her his funny leg and he walks around with one stiff leg like Basil off Fawlty Towers. Then she tells him to show her his funny walk and he walks round with both knees bent ~ lol! I can't wait to see him again, I just know it'll be a laugh a minute. They are hoping to complete on their house next week so they can finally move in. At least then she'll be able to get everything sorted, I miss her so much :O) Finally, Andrew's just heard from his Mum that poor David, his brother in law, has just had his business burnt down. Last night he had a phone call to say that he needed to get to the warehouse ASAP. Just hope he hasn't lost everything, fingers crossed. Can't leave without posting a photo or two :O) Here's one of the Islands Double Decker Buses, well, the back end of it ~ lol! Just love this poem ...

This one is of the sky tonight, I thought the clouds looked a bit funky :O)

Edited to say:
Just found this in the Manchester Evening News ...
Fabric warehouse blazePaul R Taylor 2/ 9/2007
THIRTY fire fighters tackled a blaze at a furnishing fabric wholesalers in Cheetham Hill in the early hours of Saturday morning.Crews were called to Simpson Interiors on Broughton Street at about 2.30am and found the two-storey building on fire. Flames and smoke were streaming from the windows and it was too dangerous for fire fighters to go inside. They brought the blaze under control with two jets from the ground and one from a hydraulic platform. No one is thought to have been inside the building at the time. The street remained closed for most of the morning.
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