Sunday, September 16, 2007

Roehampton University

We caught the 10:30 boat this morning from Fishbourne to Portsmouth. We took Shane with us so the Nissan was full to the brim. Look at these 3 playing 'Bratz' Top Trumps ~ lol :O) Got to Roehampton Uni about 1pm and stood in the cue for about an hour to sign in and get Lisa's key. Everything was OK, the rooms she has are fab. An on suite bathroom with shower and a shared kitchen & lounge. She even knew the girl in the room opposite, another Isle of Wighter so she was sorted bless her. We all cried buckets when we left, even Andrew! I'm missing her like crazy but I feel much better now I've seen where she's staying :O)


Vanda said...

Glad she has such a good start in her new life.

Hugs, just for you.

Angela said...

Aww, I knew you would feel better having seen where she'll be living. Now you can picture exactly where she'll be talking to you from and it'll be so lovely to hear all her exciting news.

We used to put the phone on speaker phone whenever David phoned home, we were all desperate to hear his voice and how he was doing.

Wishing her all the best in her new life :-)

Anonymous said...

awww glad you feel a bit less aprehensive now you've seen her digs Vanda... and it's nice she will be sharing with someone from nearer home.
Still I bet you have a big empty hole so I am sending you big (((hugs))). You will get used to it and now you can look forward to her first visit home.
Hope she has a wonderful time and that you don't miss her tooooo much.
chris x

Tammy said...

Hi Vanda!!!
How are you!! I miss talking to you and have wondered about you a lot!!!