Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Singing & Car Keys

Got up this morning to go to work, as you do :O) Showered, had breakfast etc. etc. Went to get my car keys that are always hung up on the big key and they weren't there. Puzzled, I stood still for a minute trying to re trace my footprints wondering if I had totally lost my marbles and already put them down somewhere? Checked my handbag, the door, the side in the kitchen, no keys anywhere. I wandered around for a few minutes as the time was ticking away and thought the best thing to do was to phone my hero in such situations ~ Andrew (who had left for work at 8:10) :O)
Me: Hi Andrew, you haven't seen my car keys anywhere have you?
Andrew: Urmmm
Me: I must be cracking up because I can't find them anywhere?
Andrew: Oh no! I think they're in my pocket!
Me: They better not be, I have to be at work in less than 10 minutes!
Andrew: (After checking his pocket) Oh Sh*t, I've got them here.
Vanda: (Sorry, can't repeat what I said :O)
Andrew: I'll come home with them then.

All's well that end's well, I was 4 minutes late after phoning the site manager who very kindly picked me up after telling him I could walk, but I would be about 20 minutes late! Andrew turned up at work with my keys about 20 minutes later so at least I got an extra hug from him today :O) I didn't have to walk all the way home either as I got a lift from another colleague.

The phone rang when I got home. It was Lisa's singing instructor, Linda, to say Lisa had passed her singing exam :O) She's passed her Grade 5 now with a merit! Poor thing had a sore throat at the time so she was really pleased with the result and so was I :O) I was on my way to Tesco so called at Linda's house to pick up the certificate.

1 comment:

Angela said...

Stressful starts to the day are not good. Glad it got sorted in the end.

A big congratulations to Lisa, grade 5.....that's amazing!