Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Went to work, went to Tesco, bought some clothes for Max for Christmas and that's it.
Ooooo just thought of something :O) I saw this today and laughed so much ... Don't buy a stupid dwarf, it's not big & it's not clever!! ROFLMAO (apologies to any small people) X


Angela said...

Vanda, I had a dream last night that I saw you and Andrew in Tescos lol! I bought you back to my house and said to Sarah, this is the famous Vanda, lol!

Thanks for the link yesterday, I spent blooming ages on that site, its great isn't it, so useful.

I still haven't got my photo taking mojo back yet, don't know where it went! I've had a bit of a shift I think, I've been making cards and making a mini book, my first bit of paper scapping and now I want to make a bag. Don't know if I'll actually get round to it though lol!

Hope you're ok.

Anonymous said...

Love it ... Love it... ROFLMAO See wherever you go, whatever you do you make us smile :D

Lima said...


And only how many days til Christmas....argggg