Monday, December 21, 2009

A Winter Wonderland.

We took this photo last night out of the front room window :O) And this one because it looks like it's looking for it's nose lol. This is Claire's conservatory. More snowy photos from our walk down the tramlines into Buxworth Canal Basin. It was frozen solid. There was a fountain on the lodge so it had kept some of the water from freezing up. The ducks & swans looked happy.It's so lovely to see. Reminds me of Christmases when I was a kid :O) When we got back we tried again to get the Serena off Claire's drive onto the lane & it was scarily hard. One thing I've learnt this holiday, the bus is pretty useless in the snow. Andrew says it's because it's a rear wheel drive & there's no weight in the back. We still struggled to get it out of the drive with me, Lisa, Liam & Chris bouncing up and down in the boot lol. We are going to try & go home tomorrow. The safest way is to go down the A6 to Stockport ... wish us luck!

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