Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Friends in Jamaica

Another digi LO for my Jamaican Album.
Tonight I went to the High School to listen to a talk about finances for Lisa's Uni. It was pretty scary stuff. We have to fill a 30 page form in in March and get it back to County Hall asap. This will help with tuition fees. We also have to do some research for bursary's from the Uni.
There was a lawyer there too who was explaining that they can live on campus for the first year and after that they usually rent (with other students), a house off campus. He was saying to make sure the landlord had an HMO which means a special licence to house students. The best place to go for info is the housing officer at Uni as they know the area well and which landlords have the HMO's. Make sure all the students sit down and draw up an agreement for who is paying what ie. electricity bills etc. Make sure the landlord knows Lisa is part of that house. Make sure an inventory is taken straight away so she want be presented with a bill for damage that she hasn't caused. OMG ~ scary stuff.

1 comment:

Cath said...

WOW, seriously gorgeous layout!