Saturday, July 14, 2007

Great Scott, We've Been to Woolworths.

What a lazy, lazy morning we had. Didn't get dressed or showered until 11:00 am !! It was great :O) Had to be at work for 1pm so once I'd got myself motivated I put some washing in, hung some washing out etc. well, you get the picture. No drama for Elena this morning either which I think she was thankful for, as she seems less tired today. Oh well 5 more days at school and then she's finished for the summer holidays.
Last night Elena & I had a conversation about Ragtime music of all things. She's been learning about it in music at school and she loves it. I think she was amazed that I knew who Scott Joplin was and that I could actual hum 'The Entertainer' & the 'Maple Leaf Rag' but I guess when we were kids we never imagined that our parents went to school, did we :O) I'm really pleased they're still teaching them stuff like that otherwise that sort of music could quite easily be lost forever.
So, after work it was a trip down Sandown with Lisa, as good old Woolworths were having a double discount day and with Gemma working there we could get 30% off everything ~ yipee!! The plan was to get as much stuff for University as we could at the cheapest price possible :O) So we bought ..... A steam iron, an oven dish, a can opener, a vegetable peeler, knives, forks, spoons & teaspoons, a bread knife, a paring knife, 4 plastic tumblers, 2 mugs, a measuring jug, a cheese grater, a chopping board, a round casserole dish, a saucepan & lid, a wok, 2 hand towels, 2 bath sheets & a flannel, some tea towels, a laundry hamper, a bag for her laptop, a box of dinner plates, side plates & bowls, a large pack of food containers with lids, dish brush & 2 single fitted sheets for the grand old price of .... £63.02. Well after they picked me up off the floor I paid the girl behind the counter and we came home. I thought we did really well considering the amount of stuff we bought. I'm sure there's things that we've forgotten but I can get that next month. Elena's wanting a mobile phone, and as her birthday & Christmas are no where in sight she's decided she's going to buy it herself. Andrew came home with one a couple of weeks ago that he bought through work for £40.00 and she's taken a shine to it. She's got £35.00 saved up so needs another £5.00. She asked if there were any jobs that she could do to earn some money and Andrew let her mow the lawn this afternoon for a pound :O) Lisa, Liam & Gem came back from the cinema last with some 3D glasses. Die Hard 4 wasn't 3D but apparently there's an advert for Red Bull that was. So Elena took the glasses and disappeared outside and this is the result ...Well, we'll be off to see Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix tomorrow night. I'm really looking forward to it ~ have I told you that? Next Saturday the new book is out, OMG 7 days & counting! In Woolies today, Gemma showed me the posh little HP bag you get with the book!!! It's gorgeous, very impractical but gorgeous all the same. The books aren't being delivered until the day before the release and aparently they're all in steel cages under lock & key which is a bit daft because you'd only need a wand and the Alohomora spell and it would be open in a jiffy!


Lima said...

Aspirin and/or flu meds, get them for uni. Almost everybody gets 'fresher's flu' in the first three months so she will be well prepared! An alarm clock too, those 9am lectures are a killer after your room mates have kept you up all night, lol! zillions of pens etc, oh and those funky little USB computer data carrier/key things are a Godsend, depending on what course she's doing of course. :-)

The stuff you bought sounds like an absolute bargain. You sound just like my Mum did when I went off to uni, its so cool to hear it again. :-)

Tammy said...

Well Vanda after reading a few of your blogs I'm a bit scared of Uni and my kids going ... I'm going to be very poor if I don't be careful :) The problem I'm having is that my 16 year old doesn't want to get a job!!! HE wants me to pay for everything!! So you will have to give me advice on how you got your girls to get jobs!

Angela said...

Yep, you did well. Thats a lot of stuff you bought there and a good price for it all. Love all the colours in the bags, very cheerful.

It seems a bit more real when you see towels and stuff that they will be using away from home doesn't it. When does she start, in september?

Love your neat and very pretty garden :-)