Friday, July 13, 2007

Skoda Make Exceedingly Good Cars

I don't watch a lot of TV because I'm always on the computer :O) but sometimes I catch a programme that I love, even if it is a repeat. Last night I caught the end of 'Around the World in 80 Treasures' written & presented by one of my hero's, Dan Cruikshank. I love his enthusiasm & passion for History & I love the way he describes everything he sees. He's one of those people that I would willing spend a day with because I know I would learn so much. The downside to watching Sky TV is having to sit through copious amounts of idiotic adverts. Then, just as you tune out, one advert makes you sit up and watch. Have you seen the advert for Skoda? You see about a dozen bakers (no pun intended) make a full size Skoda out of cake!!! It's brilliant. Andrew said it's a good job we have a Nissan Serena otherwise if I had had a Skoda yesterday there would have been jam & cream everywhere ~ LOL! Now, I have another confession to make :O) We have 2 bathrooms in our house (good job with 7 of us ~ lol) One upstairs with the usual toilet, sink, bath & shower & one downstairs with just a toilet & sink. I think the Americans would call it a half bath or that's what Ty Pennington on 'Extreme Makeover Home Edition' has led me to believe :O) Anyway, in the downstairs loo we keep a little electronic game of Solitaire, which I bought Andrew a few years ago to keep him amused on the long haul flight to Jamaica :O) When we're just sitting there (crude I know) we play solitaire, like you do. My Grandma used to have comics tucked behind the cistern pipe but come on, this is the 21st Century ~ lol! Last night I managed the highest solitaire game score ever in the history of the 'H*****d Ablutions' ~ 705 points :O) Just off to go and clean it ~ just look at the muck :O) This afternoon I went out into the garden to try out a new technique that my gorgeous cousin Chris has been telling me about. She lives in Florida so is teaching me via e-mail :O) They are not great photos yet but I'm sure practice will make perfect :O) There are 2 webs here, one behind the other so one looks blurred. I was stuck for subject matter (my excuse ~ lol) And I know God gave me 2 hands Chris, but he didn't mention anything about hand eye coordination ~ lol!


Vicky said...

Congrats on the high score Vanda.
Just so you know......I do my best reading when I'm sitting "you know where." LOL Have a great friday!

Anonymous said...

I love that cake/car ad too Vanda... it fascinates me (sad or what)lol.
Blimey just how amazing are those web photos... gosh I wish I could do that, they are completely stunning wow!!

Tammy said...

OH MY GOSH... first to the cake... wow.. talk about having a lot of people to your party and being able to eat all of that!! Sheesh!! wow... I wonder how long that took!! Yes we do call them half baths! AND... girl I laughed so hard, how long were you sitting on the toilet to get such a high score!!! I just love your posts, you're such a crack up!!! We have 7 people living in our house as well... crazy and loud times sometimes!! I thought you had 3 girls and you and your hubby?? You will have to email me and tell me who else lives with you?? Is it that young man you alaways talk about that's with your daugther?? Liam I think you call him... I'm so nosey aren't I??? Oh and love the pictures... what a great way to capture a web... even though spiders are creepy, they do make gorgeous webs.

Lima said...

Love the webs!

I liked the advert the first time I saw it but now it just bugs me because its so long and I hate adverts, clever how they made the car out of cake though.