Monday, July 16, 2007

Phoenix & Phish :O)

The 'Order of the Phoenix' was GREAT!!! I loved every minute of it and can't wait to see it again :O) We got to the cinema at 6:30pm, the show started at 6:40pm and we were out by 9:20pm. No idea where all that time went, it seemed about 10 mins long ~ lol. In my opinion, Daniel Radcliff's acting's got better & better with each film he's starred in and of course I HATED professor Umbridge as I knew I would but she was portrayed brilliantly by Imelda Staunton :O) The one person that shone for me this time was Evanna Lynch who played Luna Lovegood. I don't know if it was just JK Rowlings character or the actress herself, but I thought she was amazing. The special effects were fab too and the sets were brilliant. If you haven't seen it yet you have to go and watch it ~ it's fantastic!! Only 5 more sleeps until the book comes out, how flippin' exciting is that!!!

Wilton Car Repairs phoned this morning and asked if I could take the Nissan in to be evaluated. It's going to take about 3 weeks to get the parts they need to fix the door and then they will lend me a 5 door hatchback to get around in. As long as it's done & I can still get to work I'm not that bothered how long it takes. As far as I'm concerned a car gets you from A to B so I'm not worried in the slightest.

I've heard the good folk in the north of England are having rubbish weather like us but they are cold too! So if you need some warmth (it's averaging about 23 degrees here) you need to get down to the Isle of Wight, we've got some lovely caravans to rent :O)

Andrew's gone back to work today crutchless, well he's still got his crutch, I meant he hasn't taken the ones we borrowed from the Red Cross ~ lol!

Another first for me today :O) I've never had Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream before so I treated myself to some. Didn't know what flavour to buy until I saw this one and just KNEW I had to have it ~ Phish Food ~ ROFL! Not much else is happening really unless you want me to list the housework ~ boring LOL!


Vicky said...

Morning Vanda....glad you liked the movie. I plan on seeing it this week. Heading to the store for more Ben and Jerry's?? lol
Have a great day!

Tammy said...

Did you save any Ice cream for me Vanda??? Oh and isn't Daniel just getting hunky??? I'll probably see it when it comes out on DVD..

Angela said...

Mmm, the ice cream sounds nice, lol about the name though.