Monday, July 16, 2007

Spider Webs

Just messing about this afternoon trying to improve my 'webs' :O) Turned a couple of photos into B&W using Googles Picasa. The first miniature sunflower has bloomed today :O) And another of the freesias, a red one this time, can't wait till it comes out properly to see if the scent is as strong as the cream coloured one :O) Found this new branch growing on the Bay Tree. Love the colour and the way it's curled round. Elena came home from school with a present for me {insert huge grin} look what she's made, a memory board ~ thank you Elena ~ Kisses xXx Elena says it's got to be finished yet :O)


Anonymous said...

oooh I love your present from Elena how fab!!
Those web photos are just the most amazing I have ever seen Vanda I just LOVE them all. How clever are you!! They look like you could just reach out and touch them... wow!!

Tammy said...

I must say that is a very nice memory board, I have never seen one like that before... I did buy a jean jacket that was made out of used jeans once... Loved it!

Angela said...

Vanda, you know how much I'm enjoying your photos, they are wonderful. The beads of rain on the cobweb are beautiful. All brilliant :-)