Monday, September 17, 2007

3 Bottles of Dandelion & Burdock ~ lol!

I feel a bit better today so wanted to say a huge thank you for all the support from my wonderful blogging friends :O)

We had a bit of a hiccup, my fault really although Andrew did say he never gave it a thought either :O) We left Lisa yesterday after making sure she had everything from her TV aerial down to a beef stock cube for her first meal and every other possible item in between you could think of, apart from the kitchen sink. She spoke to Liam later and told him she had no money!! Poor thing didn't have a penny on her ~ lol. (Her loan won't be paid into the bank until Wednesday.) So off we toddled to the bank this morning to pay in some cash. Not long afterwards I received a text message saying she was in Asda (a shop we haven't got on our little Island) and she was really excited as she could buy 3 bottles of Dandelion & Burdock for £1.00 ~ lol! "Bargains galore" was the exact phrase she used :O) God I love her :O) She's off out to a Freshers Party tonight with all her new friends. Liam's been round for his tea tonight, love him, and set up skype and the webcam for us so we could speak to Lisa through the Internet. She looked as happy as Larry (whoever he is?)

Liam decided to move back home so I took all his stuff and dropped him off last night. I spoke to him later and he didn't seem very happy poor thing. Told him he can come and stay anytime he wants so he's sleeping here on Thursday night. We saw him at work this morning and asked if he wanted to come round for a curry tonight, which he did. He is so gorgeous I just want to eat him ~ lol! He is every mothers dream :O) He's helped Elena with her homework (told you he was gorgeous) because I knew nothing about static electricity. Well, apart from it hurting like hell when I touch the car door ~ lol.

Gemma looked after Elena yesterday for us and they had a great time at the beach. The manager where Gem works, Sharon, was having a BBQ and invited Elena along too. Thanks Gem xXx

Just wanted to say about Shane and how horrible his Mum was (nothing new there then). We went round to his house on Saturday night to pick up all his belongings and she never even said hello, thanks for taking Shane to Uni for me, nothing! She just stood there and watched us carry everything to the bus and load it up. We picked Shane up on Sunday morning at 9:30am and she never even came outside to say goodbye to him. He had no lunch or a drink for the journey. I thought this might be the case so we had made him a sandwich etc. bless him. If I ever win a lot of money I'm going to buy a massive house with loads of rooms so I can take in all the teenagers who are wonderful but their parents couldn't give a stuff about them. Enough said!


Lima said...

LOL at the drinks! I love Asda too. :-)

Glad she's settling in well. This all brings back such memories for me, although I didn't have to move to the city of my uni, I already lived there, lol!

Lin xxx
The Briar Patch
Briar Patch Scraps & Snaps

Lima said...

ok so the second link doesn't work! It's been one of those days, lol!

Anonymous said...

ROFL... you mean it cost her a whole pound for the drinks... she is wasting money... doesnt she know she is a student now and council pop is what she has to drink!! Especially when no-one gives her any money...PMSL... well at least you made sure she had a stock cube. Oh I can't breathe... the thought of it!!

I can just imagine you buying a big house and being surrounded by teenagers too... only problem is you would never want any of them to leave :) x

Angela said...

Oh Vanda, you are such a sweetheart, wanting to take in all the lovely kids and look after them all :-)

She's doing fine that girl of yours, you've taught her well.