Look what I had this morning waiting for me :O)
Hi Mum, Dad, Gemma and Elena,
Sorry I haven't been chatty on msn today, had a bit of a busy day. I've had both my subject briefing and am pretty happy with them so far. The education one seems a lot more writing than I expected, but too be honest I didn't really know what to expect. The drama one is a lot better than I thought also because I was worried that it would be all theory but its 50/50 with performance as well.I cooked my first jacket potato today and.................I'm still alive!!! Then Katie and I went around the ground to explore, the lake is so nice and grove house (the one we queued up outside of for ages on Sunday) looks so beautiful, its got an amazing fountain outside it.My books for education are £10 for two packs which you can only get here and the rest I can borrow from the library and I get my drama book list next week.Sorry but I've gotta go to sleep now because I'm pooped. Love you all lots Lisa xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Goodness me, I'm missing her like mad, keep thinking she's going to walk through the door any minute, oh well :O)
To keep my mind occupied I am on a money saving campaign :O) Last night I had the best money saving shopping spree thanks to moneysavingexpert.com! Gemma has given me her Christmas wish list and on it were quite a few books. As MSE (money saving expert) explains, never buy anything until you've entered the item into a price comparison site first. So I put these 2 books into "pricerunner" and Amazon came up the cheapest. Instead of going straight to their website I logged onto nectar.com and then followed the link to Amazon because you can earn nectar points. Triple points at that!! So I put the 2 books into my shopping basket which came to £16.33, so I qualified for free delivery. They offered me £15 of my shopping if I signed up for (& was approved) a MasterCard from the Halifax. As I have nothing on my present card, I thought, what the heck. Nothing ventured nothing gained. Five minutes later I was approved a new credit card with £15 off my shopping. All I have to do is sign & return the paper work when it arrives :O) If that wasn't enough, because I had bought the books, I qualified for 60 free photos from photobox (new members only). I was already a member so I signed in with a different e-mail address and hey presto, 60 free photos ROFL ~ pretty snazzy if I say so myself :O)
Aww bless her. She sounds happy and excited and wants to share it with you all.
So glad she's in regular contact with you. How are YOU feeling?
Ooh, you added some more.
Glad you managed to save some money. I'm trying to save some money too, christmas coming and all that. Managed to almost cut my shopping bill in half this week and they still all have enough food to keep them happy. Now we're going out for a meal on sunday, kind of defeats the object a bit though!
I know exactly how you feel with missing your Lisa, exactly! There's such a big hole when one of your children leaves home, no matter how happy or how well they are, its YOU thats missing them. It will get easier Vanda honest :-)
How crazy is this....me, David and Sarah were having a chat today for ages and I started crying BECAUSE he was home, because I really appreciate having him here for a few more months. Of course they both started laughing at me which made me appreciate having them around even more because within six months they will both probably be gone :-(
Glad things are going well with Lisa. (Glad the cold meds came in useful too, lol!)
Sounds like you ended up saving more than you spent! Ideal!
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