Friday, September 21, 2007

Another Fab E-mail From Lisa :O)

I'm sat here in my pink fluffy dressing gown with a cup of tea in one hand and a mouse in the other (computer not furry lol) and this is what I've been reading ...

Hello everyone,
Just thought i would email you again since i haven't had a chance to properly speak to any of you all day. I hope you don't all feel that I just cant be bothered to get in contact with you it's just that the only time I'm not mega busy and have enough time on my hands for a lovely long conversation is stupid times like now (02:15!!!).I am missing you all loads, I really am! Hope your not missing me too much. In reply to your last email, Liam can't come up this weekend due to the fact that no freshers are allowed guests either staying or to the parties until Monday.Well done for you bargains!!! I am very proud of you. In my last email I said that i had my uni identification card done and that my photo is really bad due to the fact that I'm not even looking at the camera!Riteho, before i get onto telling you about my day I have a few favours...when Liam comes up, please may u send him up with some bluetac (if you have loads spare, if not i will buy some) and some drawing pins. Also I found out today that we have to supply our own toilet rolls so if i can't fine any in Asda like £1 ones in Morrison's (which is highly unlikely) then please may u send Liam up with some of those as well. (soup is not included in this list lol)Now I think I last told you about Wednesday day time so I will move onto the night... For tea i cooked myself mushroom and bacon pasta, I can't believe I actually managed that one since that was the first time I had cooked pasta lol. No where near as good as dads though, but still good. Then I got ready and had a few drinks in the staff room (our nickname for our kitchen/lounge) then headed off to "the grand" a nightclub in Clappham that used to be a theatre. It turned out to be a really good night, the place was packed but, it was well snazzy the doors had leopard print material on them and the dance floor was tiles that lit up!!!!!!! That i found pretty darn amazing myself (most people didn't notice because they were so drunk) then after that we got the bus back and i went straight to bed.I woke up the next day and went and sat in Katie's bedroom for a bit with Andi and watched postman pat lol (or PPP). After that I had some breakfast and quickly got ready for the cinema. We all went and watched "super bad" for Wayne's birthday as a group with some other third years and got in for free due to the fact that Wayne and Kerry work there which is always good. The film was really good! After that we had subway and travelled back. When we got in we socialised in the staff room for a bit and then decided that we would have Chinese for tea (Katie, Andi and I) we found a really good one and managed to get 5 dishes and chicken balls for £5.70 each, how good is that!!!! oh yea an it included duck!!! We had quite a bit left over after as well because the portions are so big! Later we gave Wayne his cake and he opened his presents from all his friends, my favourite one he got was Optimash prime (a Mr Potato Head dressed as Optimas prime from the transformers).Shortly after that most of them went to bands night, but Katie and I decided to go on a walk where we went to a cashpoint to see if our loans had come through. Hers had but mine hasn't so I'm hoping mine will tomorrow since i registered a day later than her. We then explored the southlands campus where i discovered another lake and two more fountains!!!! The bar looked really nice there, its a lot more modern the Digby Stuart and Froebel which is nice because it gives it a huge variety. By the time we got in it was nearly 12 due to the fact that we started talking to some other freshers from flat one. As soon as i got in I helped Katie apply for a TV licence then went on the Internet to speak to Liam and you lot if you were on there (which I didn't expect since it was after 12 and pumpkins can't type!!!!). He seems really upset at the moment, he's finding it really hard so please can you make sure he's OK for me. Also, please could you put a TV in my room before next Thursday for Liam so that's he's some background noise to make him feel more at home. Sorry to be asking so much.Well that is my day done! and now I am officially cream crackered so am off to the land of nod to dream of being with all of you. Tell Dad that I'm missing him tonnes and tonnes and can't wait to see him again and give him a big hug and slobbery kiss.Tell Gemma that I'm missing her also and give her a squidge and a kiss too. Tell Melmin to get well soon, jokes Elena, I'm missing her too and give her a get well hug and kiss.If Liams there tell him that I miss him millions and give him a hug and a kiss...and mum, i miss you loads too and can't wait to see you either.Dad please give mum a big squidge and kiss for me since she can't do it herself. I will speak to you soon cant wait to give all of you those hugs and kisses in person rather than virtually lots of love, Lisa


Vanda said...

And I bet you still have that smile on your face too! Beautiful email, bless her heart.

Angela said...

What a sweet girl and what a lovely email to wake up to, so happy and newsy. Like the other Vanda said, I bet you are still smiling now :-)

Eleanor said...

What love comes pouring out of her heart, you lucky lucky girl. By gum I bet you miss her, but it's a good sort of missing, it'll get easier. Haven't heard a peep from mine - but then I didn't expect to, leopards, spots and all that. I'm not sad, just resigned. Lovely to read your stuff though - so glad you share it with us.
love E

Anonymous said...

Oh it's so obvious that you are so loved!! I'm not surprised you miss her and I bet those e-mails send your heart fluttering:D It's so lovely that she is sharing her days with you. Keep smiling :D