Well, we are a family that tries to share everything, good times, bad times, sweets, chocolate, love, car journeys, you get the picture ~ lol. Well one of my little rays of sunshine Elena, has shared her flippin' cold with me ~ poop! I'm just feeling sorry for myself really but it just had to happen didn't it. That's the price you pay for hugs & cuddles when someone you love's not well :O) It's OK, I can live on Ibuprofen for a couple of days & then everything will be alright.
We were woken up this morning at something silly o'clock, by one of those very annoying 'beep' sounds. You know those intermittent ones that drive you mad and you lay there tying to listen for it again to work out what it is. Well after the 3rd or 4th beep I decided it was too frequent to be one of the 3 smoke alarms we have, so we got out of bed and Andrew went downstairs and I listened upstairs. Anyway, it was Elena's phone!! It needed charging :O)
Picked the Nissan up this morning from the garage and the door has been repaired. What a great job they made of it too. It was so nice to drive it home :O)
That's it really apart from 4 loads of washing, cleaning bathrooms etc. Ooo apart from spending some money this week on a new 10' pool. Ours seems to have a very slow leak in it and couldn't find where it was when we took it down. So we ordered a new one which comes with a pump (so we will have a spare one) for the bargain price of £9.99!!
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