I'm still feeling like poo! Elena's feeling much better so she's going back to school tomorrow. Andrew's been getting to grips with the downstairs loo :O) 16 years ago we had a 5 year plan to completely renovate the house lol. The downstairs loo is the last room to be done :O)
I've been talking on MSN to my gorgeous Lisa Locket :O) who has lifted my spirits like you wouldn't believe. Her and her 2 new friends have cooked a Sunday roast!! I am a very proud mummy indeed, prouder than a peacock with all his tail feathers on display {grin}. She sent me this ...
Last night she went to her last fresher party (for this week anyway). It was a school disco theme and this is what she wore ...
I've had to censor it a bit, not that she was doing anything wrong ~ lol. This week she went to a fresher fair where she got loads of free stuff. The conversation went like this ...
Me: Free stuff, like what?
Lisa: An ice age pencil case which you can give to Elena, some shrek ears which I'm keeping lol some 3d glasses, loads of diary's and calenders, 3 packets of smash, 2 dinosaur puzzles, badges, postcards, some sweets and 19 condoms lol.
Me: 19 condoms????
Lisa: We were seeing who could get the most because quite a lot of stalls were giving them away
Lisa: I won of course :O)
She is such a tonic, I haven't laughed as much all weekend. I love her more than anything in the whole wide world apart from Gemma, Elena & Andrew of course :O)
I've been talking on MSN to my gorgeous Lisa Locket :O) who has lifted my spirits like you wouldn't believe. Her and her 2 new friends have cooked a Sunday roast!! I am a very proud mummy indeed, prouder than a peacock with all his tail feathers on display {grin}. She sent me this ...
Me: Free stuff, like what?
Lisa: An ice age pencil case which you can give to Elena, some shrek ears which I'm keeping lol some 3d glasses, loads of diary's and calenders, 3 packets of smash, 2 dinosaur puzzles, badges, postcards, some sweets and 19 condoms lol.
Me: 19 condoms????
Lisa: We were seeing who could get the most because quite a lot of stalls were giving them away
Lisa: I won of course :O)
She is such a tonic, I haven't laughed as much all weekend. I love her more than anything in the whole wide world apart from Gemma, Elena & Andrew of course :O)
Wow, you must be proud of that girl, she can cook herself a great meal :-) She sounds and looks so happy, you must be smiling so much when you read her emails.
Glad Elena is feeling better, hope you feel better soon as well.
Hey, your doing your downstairs loo and we are doing the bathroom. I'll post a pic when its done.
We had a plan when we moved into this house 16 years ago too, and no...it's not finished, in fact we are only just doing the bathroom now! It'll never be done because by the time we've finished the bathroom and our bedroom the kitchen which was lovely and new 15 years ago will need replacing with something bright and modern.
Glad Lisa's having a ball. I missed out on most of the fun stuff because of the kids but it's lovely reading about it now. :-)
Hope you feel better soon.
Lin xxx
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