Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Nissan Battery

Flip me, I went to go to work this morning, got in the Nissan and the battery was as dead as a dodo!! Had to leg it down to work ~ lol. It nearly killed me because I've still got Man Flu (as Andrew has christened it) :O) Well, guess how much it cost for a new one ... £71!!! OMG, saved myself £10 yesterday and spent £70 today. You win some you lose some :O) Or, sometimes you're the fly & sometimes you're the windscreen ROFL.


Eleanor said...

Haha, love the fly windscreen thing, must use that one. Got any more?
I like the idea of noting what you save with vouchers and so on, I'll copy that one. Lovely that your girlie is happy and settling. Take care.

Lima said...

Ouch, that's a dear battery but then I suppose car ones usually are...

Like Ellie, I love the windscreen and fly thing. :-)

lin xx