I really am at the moment. I'm not bored, far from it, but I'm so boring. I have nothing to report apart from housework. I haven't been anywhere apart from Lidl. I haven't done anything apart from surf the net for ways to save money ( www.moneysavingexpert.com is well worth a look ;O)) Are you asleep yet Zzzzzzzzzz
Andrew, let's see, he's been to work & the Doctors!!! Dr Rivers has taken him off the horrible tablets that were making him cough and given him new ones (at least he will get some sleep now).
Elena, she's been to school, handed in her essay about Henry VIII and has joined the lantern making club.
Lisa talked to me on MSN and told me she needed a book for her course called the Wadsworth Anthology of Drama by William Worthen. The cheapest either of us could find was at Waterstones for £29.99. Goodness me they know what to charge. There wasn't even a second hand copy of it on e-bay or amazon.
Gemma's been to work as usual.
ROFLMAO you boring!! NEVER!!!! ever :D You make me laugh soooo much... you even make looking for bargains sound so exciting :D
And as for Pierce Brosnan having the PHWOAR factor...oh Vanda you do,do my heart good!!
Don't ever stop blogging:D
Books - you can often buy second hand ones from students in the next year up, look around for adverts or booksales. £29 is 'cheap' for uni books! Most of mine were in the £40 range, lol! (Hope that makes you feel better!)
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